
A novel every six months challenge!

I have set myself the challenge of writing a novel every six months for the foreseeable future. It is not as difficult and as extreme as it may seem. It is easy manageable as long as you write a fair amount each day. Some people have written novels in a day and so I’m sure this is perfectly possible.The reason? I need to write a book that agents are going to go for. I’ve received only reject letters for the novels I’ve written so far(albeit positive ones!), and if I keep only writing a novel when the mood strikes then it’ll take me years to get published. A book every six months, in a variety of genres gives me a lot more scope to get an agent as soon as possible. That is, as long as I don’t rush the editing process in my haste! If nothing else, the challenge will sharpen my writing skills and act as a learning curve.

Meanwhile, I know the London Book Fair is coming up. I really want to go. Anyone know what kind of events they hold there? I’ve never been before so I’m not sure what they hold for writers and debut authors.
